The first time you fight Yagak will be at the Hilltop Monastery after clearing the Utargak desert. Make sure you’ve got some skills that will hinder this boss as well as increase your damage output. With a little practice, this encounter isn’t too bad. Just stay aware of your surroundings and hang in there!

How to Beat the Yagak Boss in Outriders: First Encounter

Yagak will immediately fling himself towards you at the beginning of the fight. Be prepared for him to move fast. Use the pillar to your right to stop him in his tracks, giving you time to do some damage. Close range weapons are super effective here as Yagak will stay close for this first portion. Keep moving while drilling down his health to trigger his next attack. This will give you a few spare moments to get yourself ready for phase two.

To start this phase he will use his sword to create a shield, then cast lightning around the arena. At the same time, he will spawn a group of Berserkers. Focus on the adds while avoiding the red aoes. Traveling in a circle around the outside of the arena will allow you to take control of the chaos. You should be close to downing the Berserkers before the next attack. 

Yagak will return to the fray most times with Displacement, so it’s important that you keep moving as this will port him to your location. You don’t want him sneaking up on you! This cycle will repeat with some variations. Use skills with slow or status effects to help stall Yagak’s quick movements. Eventually, he will perish, leaving you with some loot! 

Of course, if the fight get’s too frustrating or you just want to fly through, don’t be afraid to drop your World Tier. Just remember that decreases your rare loot chances. The next time you fight Yagak won’t be nearly as quick, so be sure to keep gearing up as you make your way towards the final boss encounter.

For more on Outriders, check out How to beat the Chrysaloid Boss!