Being the best in a game of Control in Apex Legends is some serious bragging rights. In Battle Royale, this is all about becoming the Kill Leader, but in Control, it’s about becoming the Ratings Leader. If you want to be the one to watch out for in a game of Control, there are some important things to note about how to climb to the top. Here is how to become the Ratings Leader in Control.

Raising Your Rating

If you want to be the Rating Leader, you are going to want to focus on actions that raise your Rating. There are two types of Rating-raising actions: combat-based and control-based.

Combat-Based Increases

Combat-based actions that reward you with points are similar to points awarded in Ranked Leagues. Kills and Assists will both earn you points, but be careful not to die.

Control-based Increases

Unique to Control as a mode, taking control of a Zone for your team will also earn you points. This is often the safest way to gain points, but note that you’ll probably need to fight some enemies first, so think of this as a reward.

Staying Alive

If you want to be the Rating Leader, staying alive is crucial. If you die, your Rating resets. You will need to start over on your journey. The only way death doesn’t matter as much is if you were already the Rating Leader when you died, and you reached a pretty high Rating. We will discuss why in a moment. But staying alive will help the most, and also, you’ll also be getting better weapons throughout that life.

Becoming the Ratings Leader

If you garner the highest score in the match, you will become the Rating Leader. That said, if you are not the first Ratings Leader of a match, you will need to get higher than the first Ratings Leader got, even if the original Ratings Leader has died since reaching that score. That is important to keep this in mind when going for that spot. So, if you die as the Rating Leader, at least you can lock the other team out of wearing that title for a while.

For more Apex Legends content, check out How Ratings work in Control Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.