Gible is one of the most sought-after Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, thanks to its cute looks and powerful evolutionary line. Once it hits level 24, it will evolve into Gabite, and starting at level 48 it will turn into Garchomp, one of the strongest Dragon-type Pokemon in the series. With its Ground/Dragon-type combo, excellent Speed and Attack, and massive movepool from Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Blast, to Stealth Rocks, Garchomp is an extremely dangerous Pokemon to fight against.
Thankfully, unlike some other Pokemon which are exclusive to either Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl and forcing you to trade to get them, you can find Gible in both games. YouTuber Pokemon Archive has made a quick video guide on how to catch a Gible in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Watch the video below.
Where To Find Gible
If you need a quick list of what you have to do to get yourself a Gible in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, here is the step-by-step guide:
- Go to Route 206 from Route 207/Oreburgh City.
- Use Cut on the trees beside the Cycling Road gate.
- Go straight to the north then go to the left/west once you see a Hiker and head to the north again just a little bit. You should find yourself inside Wayward Cave, hidden under the Cycling Road highway.
- Use Strength to push the rock blocking the entrance. You have to beat the sixth Gym, Byron the Steel-specialist in Canalave City, first to be able to use Strength though.
- Then just head straight to the left, you should see a stair that leads you to the second floor. Go down.
- Walk around here until a Gible spawn.
Aside from Wayward Cave, you can also find Gible in the Pokemon Hideaway areas in the Grand Underground. Gible spawns in Fountainspring Cave, Riverbank Cave, and Still-Water Cavern areas.
Both Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl are available now on the Nintendo Switch.