Like many of the other zones in Bugsnax, the Isle of Bigsnax DLC has its own “boss” to capture at the climax. The Cheddaboardle Rex has one of the most involved battles in the game, so you’ll want to know how to stop it. Here’s what to do.

Phase one is simple since you just learned how the catapults in the boss chamber work. Use the Snackgrappler to pull the rocks off of them and clear the way. Now stand near one of them. The Rex will pick up a Cheddorb and chuck it at you — you want that Bugsnack to roll right onto the catapult. When it does, grapple the counterweight on the back to send it flying at the boss’ glass armor. Do this for both catapults.

After this, you’ll enter the second phase. Two rock piles will emerge from the ground. They have small holes in the front, but at this point in the battle, you won’t have your Buggy Ball. Instead, grab some Shrink Spice from the edge of the room and toss it at the Cheddorbs. In their smaller form, they’ll roll away looking for a hiding spot. When they enter the rock piles, they’ll grow large and shatter the rocks, revealing more catapults. Repeat the process of goading the boss and launching a Cheddorb back two more times. The Rex will also throw boulders at you during this phase, so be sure to time your launch when the air is clear.

Phase three begins as two walls lower, revealing ramps on either side of the room. You’ll need to trick the boss again — stand in front of the ramp as it raises a Cheddorb in the air. Sidestep when it starts coming toward you, and the rolling snack will zip right up the ramp to a special launchpad. Use your Snackgrappler on this to send it in to the boss’s glass top. Do this twice, and be mindful of the boulders again.

The Buggy Ball will return for the fourth and final phase. It’s still enlarged, and that’s what you want. Guide it up the ramp and through one final wall maze (you’ll already have cleared several of these by this point in the DLC). Once you reach the top, it’ll rocket toward the boss and finally shatter its armor. The Cheddaboardle Rex will then run around unprotected, so hit it with Shrink Spice to finally bring it down to size. Drop the Trip Wire along its route to daze it, then scoop it up to finally add the big board to your collection.