You can use multiple classes in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, and each character begins with a specific one already selected. You can visit the Training Facility to unlock more classes, giving your favorite party members a wide variety of options and skills to learn. How you go about changing those classes is not straightforward. Here’s what you need to know about how to change classes in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.

How to swap classes

Before you switch out a class for a character, visit the Training Facility in your war camp to unlock a class. You can do this by speaking with the Training Instructor, scrolling down to the Acquire Class, and picking the character you want to use, followed by the class you want to give them. So long as you meet the requirements for the class, it will be available for them to use throughout your Three Hopes campaign.

Now, after selecting a class you want a character to use, you will need to choose to switch them out. You can do this by going to the Main Menu and the Convoy tab. From here, you can view all of the characters in your roster. Pick the one you want to change out, and it will be available on the third tab on the top. Here, you will have the full list of all the classes available for the character, and you can pick the one you’ve unlocked for them. If you haven’t done this already, return to the Training Instructor to unlock any class you want to use.

You can do this anytime while you have access to the Convoy in Three Hopes. We recommend switching out classes for your characters if they have already mastered one, giving them access to new abilities they can use throughout a battle.