Sometimes, when you are playing a game, everything happens so fast that you miss some dialogue. It can be crucial at times, holding information to mission progression, etc., and if you are a bit lost during gameplay it can be a real annoyance to have to backtrack!

GTA: Vice City avoids this by having Briefs (not as in underwear… How would they even do that?) They keep track of all the dialogue during the mission and print it so you can re-read anything you weren’t sure about or missed.

To access this, press the Start Button to go to the Main Menu and click on Briefs.

This is a useful mechanic that we wish more games would still implement, as sometimes it can be incredibly easy to miss a piece of a conversation which is key to understanding what you are supposed to be doing.

Also, sometimes everything just gets so loud and chaotic that you can’t hear the dialogue over the commotion! This way, you can read back through and see what you missed. Or, read back through to appreciate a line again, Mr. Lance Vance Dance.

Looking for more content? Why not check out what the star icon means in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Definitive Edition.