After each game played in FIFA 23’s Football Ultimate Team (FUT), EA Sports will keep track of how many wins, and how many losses and draws one racks up. However, you might at some point want to know exactly how many wins you have collected in FIFA 23. The FUT club record is not placed at the forefront of the main menu, so you will need to do some snooping around. With that said, here’s what you need to do check your team’s FUT club record in FIFA 23.

How to check the FUT club record in FIFA 23

Back in FIFA 21, checking a team’s club record in FUT was rather simple. All that had to be done was to look at the top of the screen and look at it. That, however, was not the case for FIFA 22. The club record for FIFA 22 was buried within the menus, with the only pieces of information that were static on the top of the screen where the number of Points, Coins, team name and established date, and Season XP info. And, that does remain the case for FIFA 23.

To check a squad’s record in Football Ultimate Team, head to the home screen in FUT. Then, scroll through with LB/RB or L1/R1 until you reach the ‘Club’ section. After that, locate the ‘Stadium’ tab.

Look at the image above the Stadium tab. This displays the date that your team was originally established, as well as the ball, stadium, and home and away uniform kits. Also noted here is the record, which denotes a team’s win, draws, and losses, in that order.

It might be a pain at first to find the club record, but this guide should of help for future reference.