Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 has shaken up the meta with the removal of all building. Whereas previously, players could use their harvesting tool to collect resources and build cover whilst caught in a fire-fight, now they need to find cover among the naturally spawning buildings, trees and objects. This calls for quick movement, and even quicker looting.

To slide while playing on PC, simply run in any direction with the W, A, S, D keys, and press Ctrl. For PlayStation players, press LT while running in any direction to slide. Similarly, for Xbox players, press the Right Analogue stick. To pick up items while sliding, press E on keyboard, hold the X button for Xbox, and hold the Square button for PlayStation controllers.

Sliding while running is a great way to get out of sticky situations, because a player moves significantly faster while sliding. This makes it harder for enemies to land shots on you and allows you to escape, or gain a vantage point over them in a fight. Picking up items while sliding makes sure you don’t become stationary while looting. Incorporate sliding in your movement will give you a massive advantage in getting that sweet Victory Royale.

Wondering how to stay on the move in Fortnite? Check out How to refuel a vehicle in Fortnite, here on Pro Game Guides.