To complete the Clever Flying Challenge in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, you need to use a “loop manoeuver” to break out of Darth Vader’s targeting systems 3 times during the Stay on Target level in Episode IV – A New Hope.

The first part of the level is a simple matter of shooting anything marked with a red targeting square while avoiding collisions. But then you have to collect torpedoes and destroy the smaller thermal exhaust ports while Darth Vader himself tries to shoot you down. You can complete the Clever Flying Challenge during both this section, and during the next section, in which your objective is to destroy the Death Star.

Whenever you’re flying in a straight line towards a torpedo, or towards a smaller thermal exhaust port, or towards the central exhaust, Darth Vader will get behind you and try to lock on. You’ll know this is happening because you’ll see the two halves of his targeting reticule, labelled with L1/LB/L and R1/RB/R. If the two halves come together then Vader will be able to shoot you, so press L1/LB/L and R1/RB/R together to perform a loop manoeuvre and break out of his targeting system. Do this three times, and you’ll complete the Clever Flying Challenge.