There are multiple puzzles and challenges to complete as you progress through Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. You can find them scattered throughout the galaxy, giving you the chance to unlock characters and ships to use throughout your game. The Cloud City Crasher puzzle unlocks the YT-2400, a famous ship model used by Dash Rendar. In this guide, we’ll cover how to complete the Cloud City Crasher puzzle in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
You can find the puzzle on the northwest side of Cloud City, on Bespin. You’ll want to progress through Episode V: The Empire Strikes to unlock this area, and freely explore at your leisure. After reaching this point, head over to this part of the map. Unfortunately, you’ll need to reach higher ground.
You’ll want to use a Hero or Bounty Hunter character for this puzzle. After selecting the one you want to use, go up the stairs to the northwest of the ship icon, and you can use a grappling hook to jump onto the platform. You’ll need a Bounty Hunter’s blaster to destroy the gold speeder that crashed into the location.
Once you’ve destroyed the speeder, you’ll find the keys to the YT-2400 at the center, and you can grab it to add to your collection.