To complete the Learn the Droids’ Fate Challenge in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, you need to discover the fate of R2-D2 and C-3PO within Jabba’s Palace during the A Plan to Save Han level in Episode VI – Return of the Jedi. You can’t complete this Challenge in Story mode; you have to do it in Free Play because at various points you need to switch to a Protocol Droid character type.
At the start of the level, blast through the guard post in front of you (for example, by picking up and throwing one of the red fuel canisters). Switch to a Protocol Droid (e.g. C-3PO) and use the key console in the small room to the left of the guard post. Next, proceed to the corridor to the south, and use the Protocol Droid console near the large door with two locks.
Select Jabba’s Palace Droid Pool Room, and this will not only open the door but also trigger a brief cutscene in which you learn what has happened to R2-D2 and C-3PO. They’ve been captured and “employed” by Jabba the Hutt’s staff. C-3PO is being forced to work as an interpreter, while R2-D2 has been told that he’ll soon learn some respect, and won’t be such a “fiesty one” for much longer.