Note: Do not give Nepheli the potion Preceptor Selivus gives if visited during Ranni’s questline. It will end her questline early.

Nepheli Loux is another Tarnished encountered early in an Elden Ring playthrough. She works for her foster father, Gideon Ofnir, searching for ways to elevate him to Elden Lord. Her questline was, until recently, impossible to complete. After Patch 1.03, it finally has a conclusion.

The first part of the quest is to meet Nepheli near the Secluded Cell Site of Grace in Stormveil Castle. Run out past the giant and into a small room south of the Grace. She’ll be standing over a dead Banished Knight. Exhaust her dialog and optionally summon her to assist with Godrick the Grafted’s boss fight.

Next, meet Nepheli at the Roundtable Hold after defeating Godrick. Speak to her near Gideon Ofnir’s study, then to Gideon himself, selecting “About Nepheli.” Hear him out, then speak to Nepheli again, making sure you exhaust all her dialog.

Progress through the game until you reach Liurnia of the Lakes, then head toward the Village of the Albinaurics, where you’ll meet Albus and receive the Haligtree Secret Medallion Right. Nepheli will be kneeling near a pile of corpses underneath a bridge. Exhaust her dialog here, then optionally summon her against the Omenkiller world boss to the north, past the flame-spewing Perfumer enemy and Albus’s pot.

Return to the Roundtable Hold and head down the staircase near the smith Hewg. Nepheli will be kneeling to the left of the staircase’s end.

Exhaust her dialog here, then talk to Gideon, selecting “About Nepheli’s despair.” Return to Nepheli and speak to her one more time.

Head now to the Four Belfries and take the portal leading to the Precipice of Anticipation.

Defeat the Grafted Scion for some sweet revenge, unless it’s already dead, and head back up to the church visited at the very start of the game. Take the staircase to the right of the door and find The Stormhawk King spirit.

These have no immediate use so return once again to the Roundtable. Head back down to see Nepheli, and speak until given the option to give her the Stormhawk King ashes. She’ll say they seem familiar and give thanks for having them.

At this point, progress Kenneth Haight’s questline until he’s returned to his fort and is looking for a rightful heir to Limgrave.

Lastly, travel to the Godrick the Grafted Site of Grace and head north into the throne room. Both Nepheli and Kenneth Haight will be there, with Kenneth noting she has become the Lady of Limgrave with Godrick out of the picture. As a reward, Nepheli will provide an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone for upgrading a standard weapon to +25.