Contrary to popular belief, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel’s Solo Mode can provide several hours of gameplay. Despite it only offering four short gates (or chapters) when starting the mode, players are able to unlock many more upon clearing them. However, this mode isn’t as linear as it appears, as duelists will need to go onto newly-unlocked gates in order to finish previous ones.

Aside from the Tutorial Gate, there is a total of 15 other gates that have to be finished for Solo Mode to be 100 percent complete. That being said, some of these gates’ side missions will require Orbs that can only be obtained in later gates for you to complete entirely. For instance, The Warrior of the Six Elemental Lords Gate cannot be completed until 200 Light Orbs have been obtained to unlock its side chapter’s door (as shown below).

As you can earn most new gates just by clearing previous Gates’ main missions, we recommend those starting out complete all of the first four Gates’ main missions before worrying about their side chapters. To guide you through the rest of Solo Mode, check the list below for how to unlock each gate and their side chapter.