Submerged is the second Milestone in the third Phase of No Man’s Sky Expedition 6: Blighted. To complete it, you must deploy a Nautilon Exocraft, but that’s a lot more complicated than you might think. This guide explains how to complete Submerged and when so you don’t get lost or stuck trying to figure it out.

Step 1: Unlock the Nautilon plans

Before you can do anything, you need to unlock the Nautilon plans. Luckily, these are awarded to you for completing another Milestone in this Expedition. So, if you haven’t done so already, go back and complete A Freighter Blighted, then claim the Nautilon Basic Equipment Blueprints from the Expedition menu. This gives you everything you need to complete Submerged.

Step 2: Build the Nautilon Chamber

When you have the Blueprints, you can build the Nautilon Chamber. If you’re not on a planet with an abundance of water or oceans, now is the time to fly away and find one that is. There’s no point in completing this Milestone unless you can use the Nautilon. Continue to warp along the Expedition Route in the galaxy map until a suitable planet presents itself.

The Nautilon Chamber requires 5 Metal Plating, 4 Crystal Sulphide, and 100 Salt. You can get Salt by mining on any planet that has it. Metal Plating is easy to craft using Ferrite Dust, but you’ll need to swim into deep water and collect Crystal Sulphide from tiny volcanoes. These will erupt and cause damage if you hang around too long, so harvest the resources you need and move on fast.

Step 3: Deploy the Nautilon

Finally, deploy the Nautiln to complete this Milestone. Once it’s been deployed, the Milestone will be complete, and you can claim Marine Shelter Plans, 15 Living Pearls, and 1600 Oxygen from the Expedition menu. This plays into the following Milestone, so don’t waste these resources.