Faith in the Middle of Nowhere is one of many side quests in The Good Life in which Naomi must take pictures of specific things. The objective is to snap a picture of someone visiting a grave.

The first few are a little complicated, but they can be figured out with some patience or with help from our guides. Faith in the Middle of Nowhere is bound to be the most frustrating photo quest up until this point.

Visiting the grave

Finding the grave site is the easy part. The St. Arthur’s Church sits between the town square and the Witch House Pharmacy pictured in the above featured image. The church grounds house the town’s cemetery.

We waited several days out of the week at different points during our play sessions and could only find people visiting the grave site on a Monday night around 19:30 or a Saturday morning from around 10:00. On the Monday night, Douglas McAvoy, Salome Macauley, and Lonette Burley prayed in front of different grave stones. On Saturday morning, we noticed Michelle O’Reilly and David O’Reilly visiting the site.

It doesn’t matter which character you take a picture of. Just make sure the character is the subject of the frame and ensure the camera recognizes their action as “praying”. After uploading it to Flamingo, it’s quest complete!