The weekend has arrived, and the weekly BitLife challenge is now available for you to work through. You will need to complete the multiple tasks assigned to everyone before the middle of next week, and should you do so, your BitLife profile will receive a random cosmetic item to use on any character you create. This week is the Fatal Fashionista Challenge. This guide covers everything you need to do to complete the Fatal Fashionista Challenge in BitLife.

All Fatal Fashionista Challenge tasks

These are all the tasks you must complete for the Fatal Fashionista Challenge.

  • Be born a female in ItalyBecome a fashion designerKill 3+ co-workersPoison your SpouseBribe the cops to avoid arrest

The first of these tasks is relatively straightforward. You will need to create a character, make sure they are a female, and have them born in Italy. You can do this from the starting page when you begin the game, making it the easiest of these tasks.

Next, your character needs to become a fashion designer. You can find the Fashion Designer profession in the available jobs under the occupation page. Unfortunately, it will need to be available for you to apply for, which means you may need to refresh this page several times before it appears. The best way to do this is to close down and remove the BitLife application and refresh it. This gives you a new list of available jobs without wasting a year of your character’s life. Continue this until the Fashion Designer job appears for you. We do recommend going to school before attempting to apply for this job.

Once your character has the job, you must eliminate three of your co-workers. You can do this by going over to the Occupation tab, reviewing your job, and looking through your co-workers in the Co-workers tab. You will be able to see everyone your characters work with at their daily job. We recommend getting to know them a bit and gaining their trust. Next, you can go to the Activities page, scroll down to the Crime tab, and select murder. You can pick from the list of who to kill; they will need to be your co-workers, so make sure you remember their names. We recommend choosing undetectable methods, such as pushing them down stairs or using poison.

Similarly, you need to do this to your spouse. Again, we recommend doing this after your co-workers. However, unlike your co-workers, you need to use poison. If you do not see poison as an option, close out of the BitLife application and see if it appears after refreshing the game. It’s the same process as refreshing the Occupation page when looking for a job.

The final task for the Fatal Fashionista Challenge is to pay off the cops using a bribe. We don’t recommend doing this for murder-related charges. However, this might work for more minor crimes, such as robberies or shoplifting. When you attempt to bribe the cops, make sure to use a large sum of money. The more money you use, the higher your chance of successfully getting away with it.

After completing all these tasks, you will have finished the Fatal Fashionista Challenge. You can pick from one of four random boxes to receive a cosmetic item.