To complete the Judy the Judge Challenge, players will need to achieve the following main objectives:

  • Be born a woman in BrooklynGo to law schoolBecome a judgeBecome a famous actorAppear on multiple crime shows for 25+ seasons

Completing BitLife’s Judy the Judge Challenge is easy once you know how to achieve each objective in the challenge. Start by creating a female character with high Smarts and Looks parameter, and then follow the steps below.

How to be born a Woman in Brooklyn

To be born as a woman in the USA, simply create a character, choose Female as your gender, and select the USA and Brooklyn as your birthplace.

How to go to Law school in BitLife

To do this, you will need to go to college and university. Study well during your school and high school period by keeping your Smarts stat high. You can keep the stat high by being obedient, reading books, and visiting the library. Join a college with English or Political Science as your major. After completing it, apply for a Law School and complete your university. Join as a Jr. Lawyer in any Law firm. Activities > Jobs > Jr. Lawyer.

How to become a Judge in BitLife

You can become a Judge after serving as a Lawyer for at least 30 years. After 30 years, you can apply for the post of a Magistrate from the Job section and work your way up till you become a Court Judge. Activities > Jobs > Magistrate.

How to become a Famous Actor in BitLife

To complete the Famous Actor objective in BitLife, you must have high looks and take acting lessons at a young age. You can get high looks by re-rolling your character until you get stats with high looks. After you get high looks, you must start taking acting lessons when they unlock around age eight in BitLife. You can start taking acting lessons at age eight by visiting the Mind and Body tab under activities.

Next, practice your acting skills every year until you get a full skill bar. When you get a full skill bar, continue until you finish high school. However, while you are aging up, make sure to get a part-time job so you can get at least 1500k inside your bank before you finish high school. In short, you need around 1k+ to hire a talent agent. We also recommend joining both the Highschool and Middle school drama clubs, as they can help you land roles as an actor later on. That said, when you eventually finish school, you need to visit the Special Careers tab and click the Actor job.

Under the Actor job tab, click on the option to hire a Talent Agent and then try applying to shows with decent popularity. Sooner or later, you will land a role, and when it happens, you will become a Famous Actor as you star in more shows and movies.

How to appear on multiple crime shows for 25+ seasons in BitLife

If you want to appear on multiple crime shows for 25 seasons in BitLife, you must get high acting stats and hire a Talent Agent. After hiring a Talent Agent, apply to a random role and get accepted. You will want to land at least one role to gain some fame as an actor. After gaining fame, try landing roles on Crime shows. The end goal is to star on multiple crime shows for around 25 seasons, so keep applying and landing roles on crime shows until you reach a total of 25 seasons. After you reach 25 seasons, staring in multiple Crime shows, you will complete the challenge’s objective.

For more on BitLife, check out How to become an Actor & Movie Star in BitLife or How to get looks up in Bitlife Guide on Pro Game Guides.