Completing the BitLife Marathon Runner Challenge is easy once you know how to achieve each objective. Start by creating any character of your choice, and then follow the steps below.
All Objectives in Marathon Runner Challenge
To complete Marathon Runner Challenge in BitLife, players will need to achieve the following main objectives:
- Become a member of the track team Become a famous soccer player Win more than five championships Successfully run from the cops more than two times
Before starting the Marathon Runner challenge, you must buy the Jobs Pack in BitLife, as the entire challenge revolves around the DLC. You can purchase the DLC from the in-game store for $4.99.
How to become a member of the track team in BitLife
The first objective of the Marathon Runner challenge is to join a track team. Track teams are not available by default during school years, so the only way to become a track team athlete is in college.
First and foremost, search for a character with Sports as the unique attribute or create such a character if you have the God Mode DLC. After making such a character, age up and reach middle school. In middle school, take part in any extracurricular activities related to sports to keep yourself fit and healthy. We recommend joining the soccer team as it will help complete other remaining challenges.
Remain a member of the soccer team till you graduate high school. After passing, apply to any university with a major of your choice. Here, in the college, you can apply to become a member of the track time using all the athletic experience gained through soccer from junior years. Since you have the Sports attribute, you will be selected immediately.
How to become a famous soccer player in BitLife
The second objective of the latest challenge is to become a famous soccer player. As a part of the first objective, you would have already practiced soccer from middle to high school. In university, along with being a part of the track team also give tryouts for a soccer team. After joining the soccer team, use the Practice Harder under the Soccer tab to increase your skill level. Make sure the bar turns completely green by the time you leave college. After passing out, visit the Special Careers section and select the Pro Athlete option. Now, give tryouts to any soccer team of your choice. To increase your probability of being selected, give tryouts only to the bottom 4 or 5 teams in the league table. Sooner or later, you will become a professional soccer player. With more time, you will become a famous one as well.
How to win more than five championships in BitLife
The penultimate quest in the Runner Marathon challenge is to win more than five championships. To do this, you will need to move to the top 3 teams of your league and stay with them till you win five championships. Improve your overall skill as a player by using the train/practice button under the Activities tab from time to time. Once your skill improves gradually after one or two seasons, apply for a transfer from your current team. With new and improved skills, you will start getting offers from mid to top teams. Accept any suitable offer and repeat the step till you find yourself with a top team. Stay and win five championships with them to finish the quest.
How to successfully run from the cops more than two times in BitLife
The final objective of the Runner Marathon challenge is to run away from cops. Visit the activities tab and perform any minor criminal activities like Burglary, Grand Theft Auto, Shoplifting, or Pickpocket from time to time in between your professional soccer career. At one or other point during one of your criminal shenanigans, you will be confronted by the police, and at that time, use the run away from the cop option to flee the scene. Repeat it a total of two times to complete the objective and the whole Runner Marathon challenge.
For more on BitLife, check out How to become a professional athlete in BitLife or How to get your athleticism up in BitLife on Pro Game Guides.