Peretet wants to soar to new heights and he needs your help to do it. He has gone insane and lashed together the souls of a thousand crows. Now he needs a specific magical essence that happens to be in a nearby dungeon. This will allow him to soar higher than the winds themselves. Help this man accomplish his life’s work. Here is how you complete the On Wings and Dreams side quest in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.
To obtain this quest, you will need to talk to Peretet in the Overworld. He will not have the quest for you until you have completed the Karnok’s Wall area of the game. By this point, you will have unlocked the ability to see invisible bridges. To reach Peretet from Brighthoof, do down the hill and make a left. You will find a dungeon that leads to another area with a bottlecap shortcut. Go through the dungeon and you will find an invisible bridge on the other side. Cross the bridge and go up the hill to the grassy area. This is where you will find Peretet.
After speaking to Peretet, continue along the pathway you are currently on by going up the hills. You will find a dungeon on your right that looks like a ruined castle. Enter the dungeon. This dungeon has two encounters in it. Both encounters will have you fighting humans so make sure to bring weapons that cause fire damage. After completing both encounters, you will obtain the magical essence. Give the magical essence to Peretet and he will fly away, leaving behind some gold to reward you.