The Princess in the Tower is a side quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human that you’ll pick up in the first part of the game. A woman is screaming from her apartment balcony, and if you visit her, she’ll explain what’s happened. She was locked up in her apartment by her brother, who then mysteriously disappeared. She wants you to go and find her brother and fiancé so that she can be freed. This guide explains how to complete the quest and outlines the outcome of the choice you make at the end of it.

How to find Timur in the apartment building

Follow the quest marker until you reach the building. This quest must be completed at night, so you’ll need to wait if it’s still daylight when you get there. The building is infested with infected, so enter quietly and try to sneak around and get takedowns on all the infected possible. A Howler inside will make life particularly difficult if you don’t kill it first. Search around the ground floor until you find a UV light source near a door with an infected behind it. When you try to open it, a cutscene will trigger.

Should you lie or tell the truth about Timur?

Lowen will appear from behind you and ask you why you’re there. After you tell him, you’re given a choice whether to tell the trapped woman if her fiancé, Timur, is dead or not. The outcome of this choice is the same, but the way you feel will differ.

  • Tell the truth about Timur: Aiden will explain that Timur has turned and the man this woman loved is now gone. She won’t believe you, and Lowen will get angry with you. However, you’ll get some XP and complete the quest, but you’ll likely feel terrible despire having told the truth. Lie about Timur: If you lie to the woman and tell her that Timur is fine, Lowan will thank you and explain to her in his own way how Timur turned. You’ll still ge the XP, but you might actually feel beter about your decision.