Hitman: Sniper Assassin is a free extension to the upcoming Hitman 2 title that is available for anyone who pre-orders. Its focus is on the assassination of three targets in a specific area and, as a first for the series, it can be played in co-op with a friend. There are a total of 14 feats which will help you increase your score when unlocked. Some of them explain what you need to do, while others are redacted. This guide will show you how to complete the Prometheus feat.

The Prometheus Feat

The Prometheus feat is one of the easiest ones to complete if you know what to look for. Near the bottom edge of the mansion grounds to the right of the helipad, you’ll see a small waterfall.

Immediately to the right of that is what appears to be a small cave entrance. Near it is a pile of wooden sticks that looks like the beginnings of a campfire. Use your trusty rifle to set them ablaze and you’ll make a caveman appear. Presumably, this fella lives below the mansion and only comes out into the open when the pile of sticks magically sets itself on fire. It must be quite the life for that guy!

The Prometheus feat unlocks as soon as you light the fire and the caveman will just linger around by it. Some funny dialog occurs, but otherwise not much else happens. Feel free to shoot the caveman, though it will only serve to reduce your overall score because you’re just being super cruel now!

That’s all you have to do to complete the Prometheus feat. Once it’s unlocked, you won’t have to do it again, though you certainly may, if you’re bored. The additional 1.04 score multiplier will apply to all future attempts at this particular mission. For more guides on how to complete other redacted feats in Hitman: Sniper Assassin, check out the related posts in the sidebar.