In Diablo 2: Resurrected, there are six quests for each Act of the game. The third quest in Act I is titled The Search for Cain, and it gives the player the task of rescuing Cain from Tristram, a small town overrun by evil minions. This is a relatively straightforward quest, but it can be a challenge to newer players.

How to Complete the Quest

There are several steps to complete this quest. Depending on your skill level, fighting off the enemies might not even be the most difficult part. The majority of players with issues completing the quest actually struggle to understand how to get into Tristram.

Step One: The Scroll of Inifuss

The Scroll of Inifuss is a special quest item that you can obtain in Dark Wood. To reach Dark Wood, you first need to go to Dark Wood, which is only accessible through the Underground Passage out of Stony Field. Once you’re in Dark Wood, you will have to defeat Treehead Woodfist, who is guarding the Tree of Inifuss and Scroll of Inifuss.

Once you get the scroll, you see that it is indecipherable. You must return to the Rogue Encampment with the Scroll and give it to Akara, who will translate it.

Step Two: The Cairn Stones

When Akara translates the runes, you can open the scroll and look at the image. The picture will show the Cairn Runes, each of which has its own symbol, with a Roman Numeral next to them. Memorize the order of the symbols based on the corresponding Roman Numeral from lowest to greatest (I = 1, II = 2, III = 3, IV = 4, and V = 5).

Return to Stony Field and explore until you find the Cairn Stones. These are five large stone pillars with the symbols matching the ones in the book. Defeat the guardian protecting the stones and approach them. Going off of the order of the symbols in the book, touch the symbols that correspond to the numbers you memorized. The first to touch is the one with the symbol next to the Roman Numeral I, the next is the one with the symbol next to the Roman Numeral II, etc. After you have touched all five stones in order, a portal will open that leads to Tristram.

Step Three: Deckard Cain

Deckard Cain is in the middle of town, next to the well. There are several monsters in the area, so it is wise clear them out slowly to avoid being overrun. Going straight for Cain is an easy way to get killed in this area. Try kiting enemies and pulling them away from each other to chase you so you can take out a few at a time.

Once you have cleared out enough enemies and the area is relatively safe, approach Deckard Cain. Free him from the cage, and he will quickly head back to town. Once you head back to town and collect your rewards, the quest is complete!

As a special reward for rescuing him, he will offer to Identify all unidentified objects free of charge whenever you return to him at each encampment.

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