There are two challenges in Season of Gluttony’s new Escalation, The Gluttony Gobbling, that you won’t complete by following the objectives, the first is Horsing Around, and the second is Wafer-Thin Muffin. In this guide, we’ll show you how to complete the Wafer-Thin Muffin challenge and feed the Pig an extra little treat.

How to complete the Wafer-Thin Muffin challenge

Like the Horsing Around challenge, the Wafer-Thin Muffin challenge requires you to find a specific item and feed it to the Pig. This item is a muffin, and it’s located inside the ICA facility. We found that it makes the most sense to pick this up in level 3 of the Escalation. To reach it, you can follow our route through The Gluttony Gobbling until you reach the point where you need to circle around the technicians working on servers.

There’s a vent in this room that you can unlock using a screwdriver. See below for a map reference for the exact vent.

Follow the vent around to the right, then left, then again until you see the muffin ahead of you.

See below for a map reference for the muffin.

Take the muffin to the Pig along with all the other ingredients it demands. Once you’ve fed the Pig, the challenge will pop up as completed, and you’ll see it at the end of the mission screen.