The Coalescence is a Legendary Trinket that can be equipped in Guild Wars 2 to boost your stats and give you the edge when push comes to shove. To obtain it, players need to embark upon a long and arduous journey of collecting items and fighting Raid bosses. There are two initial phases that players need to complete before this one, namely, Coalescence I: Unbridled and Coalescence II: The Gift. The next phase has fewer items to collect than its previous steps, but there is still a lot you’ll need to do.
A Legendary Trinket is a great option for players who aren’t interested in crafting multiple stacks of gear for their characters. It’s a great option for players who are invested in WvW and Raiding, and is a perfect replacement for Ascended tiered items.
Players will gather to do the following to complete the Coalescence III: Culmination. First, make sure that your collection is activated, as you can gain a Twisted Essence once a week from the bonus chest from Ahdashim.
Completing this collection will grant you 10 AP and a Gift of Patience that you’ll need to keep in your inventory or Bank so that you can use it in the last phase of crafting.