Sometimes in the world of Pokémon, despite your best efforts, plans and strategies, things just happen to go wrong. Whether it was from an unlucky Critical Hit, a misused move, or just having underestimated the difficulty and strength of your opponent, your Pokemon may eventually end up Fainting. Fainting leaves the Pokémon unusable in battle and if you run out of usable Pokémon you’ll be pulled out of battle and forced to Rest. So, if you’re looking to prevent a screeching halt to your progress, it’s important to stockpiles items like Revives.

This is what you’ll need to craft a Revive item:

  • 1x Vivichoke2x Medicinal Leeks

Revives remain one of the only ways in which you can resuscitate your Pokémon if they’ve fainted for whatever reason. There are some rules to Revives though, for example, a Revive will only restore a single Pokémon to health, and alongside that, you have to remember it will only be to half HP.

Also important to note is that if you’re using a Revive item in the middle of an ongoing battle, you’ll lose that turn which means your current Pokémon might get downed in the process. This means that you’ll need to have enough time to Revive and possibly use a healing item on your Pokémon. Despite these limitations and restrictions, Revive still remains an invaluable item for any team and trainer in Pokémon.