The Lectern is a decorative block in Minecraft that has two primary uses. First, the item can be used as furnishing that can hold a single Book And Quill or Written Book. These Books can store information such as instructions left for other players or the records of one’s adventures in singleplayer. Alternatively, it can be used solely as a decoration for creations like classrooms, churches, or libraries. However, the main reason you would want to get a Lectern in Minecraft would be to alter the profession of a Villager to a Librarian, one of the best NPC jobs in the game.

Crafting & Using a Lectern in Minecraft

To craft a Lectern in Minecraft, players will need wooden Slabs ×4 and Bookshelf ×1. Slabs are made by placing a row of three matching Planks on the crafting grid, producing six Slabs. To make a Bookshelf, you need wooden Planks ×6 and Books ×3. Books are made from Paper made with Sugar Cane, and Leather is obtained from Cows. 

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Alternatively, Minecraft content creator RajCraft states that Lecterns can also spawn naturally in Village Libraries or at the center of Ancient Cities. Getting a Lectern from a Village can be convenient means of procurement if you are unable to find Sugar Cane for Paper. Whatever the case, once you have acquired this job site block, you can place it near a Villager to turn them into a Librarian. As noted above, Librarians are extremely practical for Survival Mode since they are able to generate rare Enchanted Books that might otherwise be exceptionally challenging to find. 

Before players make the first trade with a Librarian, they might notice that Minecraft Villager is selling a “bad” Enchanted Book, like the Curse of Binding. Instead of creating a new Lectern and putting it near another Villager, RajCraft states that you can simply break the Minecraft Lectern and place it down again. This method will enable you to “reroll” the first Enchanted Book as many times as you want until you get the Enchantment you want. While placing a Book variant atop a Librarian’s Lectern might make it look more professional, this action will have no effect on the Villager’s offerings

Minecraft is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox One X|S, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, Android, and iOS. 

Source: YouTube/RajCraft