Managing your health in Green Hell is paramount to your survival. There are many aspects of the wilderness that can and will lead to your death if you are not careful. Eventually, you will see some colored frogs along streams and bodies of water called Poison Dart Frogs. While these are passive animals, they will poison you if you pick them up while they are alive or if you eat their meat after killing them. Here is how to deal with that poisoning so you do not die.
Upon picking up a Poison Dart Frog in Green Hell, you are going to be hit with the effects of that poisoning immediately. Venomous poisoning and fever will be the main ailments you deal with from this poisoning, but dehydration, hallucinations, and lower health and stamina will also pop up.
To deal with these issues, first, we recommend taking Painkillers to fight the fever. Additionally, be on the lookout for Tobacco Leaves and Plantain Lily Leaves. Lily and Tobacco Dressings are the best methods to combat the venom coursing through your body. Take these remedies and rest to have your character slowly come back to health.
Poison Dart Frog poisoning can significantly impact your character in Green Hell if you leave it too long without treating it, so quickly find the remedies you need. Let it go for too long, and you will die.