One of the trademarks of any Souls game is at least one dynamic duo boss, and Elden Ring certainly doesn’t come up short in this regard. One such enemy team up in Elden Ring is the Misbegotten Warrior and Crucible Knight. Found at the end of Redmane Castle, The Misbegotten Warrior and Crucible Knight boss fight teams up two enemies players may have come across and had a difficult time with early in the Lands Between.

Leaping out into the boss arena first, the Misbegotten Warrior is a high-level enemy twisted into a beast form who deals out lunges and slashes of damage. The best strategy is to keep a close to medium distance from the Misbegotten Warrior since they can easily gain ground with a leaping stab. The best way for any melee build to avoid damage is to stay nearby and dodge through its attacks, while also dodging out of the range of its roar.

As far as fighting the Misbegotten Warrior alongside the Crucible Knight, it’s absolutely imperative that players take out the Misbegotten Warrior first since it is easier to kill, but also much more aggressive than the Crucible Knight. Ideally, players should kill the Misbegotten Warrior before the Crucible Knight even enters the arena since there is a slight delay for the Crucible Knight’s entrance. That being said, if players are still fighting the Misbegotten Warrior when the Crucible Knight enters the scene, it’s best to focus on killing the Misbegotten Warrior first, and as quickly as possible.

Depending on when players make their way to Redmane Castle, the Misbegotten Warrior should be the easy half of the boss fight. The real challenge is the Crucible Knight, since they will hide behind their shield and are to unleash a series of hard-hitting attacks that players will have to dodge through, or move to the side of. The main thing to focus on is to stay near the Crucible Knight with a shield up and a finger fixed on the dodge button, since there’s no other good way to get in close enough to deliver damage and the Crucible Knight will begin to shorten the distance with its winged lunging slash. The one rare exception to staying on top of the Crucible Knight is to get out of the way if they trigger their AOE attack.