The Lurking Steel Titan is one of the five Titans you can battle against in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. It’s a massive version of a Pokémon, Orthworm. This large earthworm-like Pokémon will be on the east side of Paldea, and you will need to use your team to defeat it in two phases of combat. Here’s what you need to know about how to defeat Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
How to beat the Lurking Steel Titan in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
When you arrive at the Orthworm’s location, it won’t want to battle against it. It will consistently keep popping in and out of the ground when you walk up to it or attempt to throw a Poké Ball at it to begin combat. The best way to start this battle is to ride Koraidon or Miraidon in its bike form and rush the Pokémon. You will be able to catch it, and it will have a blue exclamation over its head. It will move to a specific spot, and you can battle against it when you’re ready.
Orthworm is a Steel-type Pokémon. It will be weak against Fire, Fighting, and Ground-type attacks. It will be resistant against Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Steel, and Fairy-type moves. We highly recommend using Fire or Fighting-type Pokémon and their moves against it to make it an easier encounter.
Upon defeating Orthworm once, it will retreat into the hill and go into another area. Follow it through to the other side, and similar to the technique before, ride Koraidon or Miraidon at it to start the next phase. Arven will attempt to help you during the second phase, but not much else should change.
Upon defeating Orthworm, you will receive the next Herba Mystica with Arven and unlock a higher jump for Koraidon or Miraidon.