Sauro is one of the boss battles in The Pathless. The corrupted lizard spirit needs to be defeated if you are to return light to this world, so knowing Sauro’s strategy is key to beating it.

The first thing you need to do is light the three obelisks in Redwood Steppe. To complete this, you will need to find six lizard tokens — two for each beacon — scattered across this world region. Once you have enough tokens, climb the obelisks and light them with the tokens. This will cause Sauro to go into panic mode and begin the boss battle.

Phase one is a chase sequence. Like the earlier Cernos boss battle, you must chase after Sauro as they flee. Be careful to avoid any fireballs that rain down on you, and the fiery circles that Sauro leaves in their wake. Dash after them and keep refilling your dash meter by shooting any targets on your way. Once you have caught up with Sauro, begin shooting the targets on its legs. You can take two out before its pace quickens and you have to chase it again. Repeat the steps above until the other two targets are destroyed, and then unleash your falcon’s light ability to deadl significant damage to it.

The second phase takes you to an arena setting. Sauro will unleash volcanic blasts, so jump and falcon glide to avoid them. Shoot the targets on its four legs again, and prepare to avoid a huge volcanic blast that can send you hurtling to the arena’s edge. Once you have evaded that, send your falcon in again to deal more damage using its special ability.

The final part of the battle is a tough one. The Godslayer gives Sauro additional lava powers after lighting three nearby fires, which throws you into the arena’s basement. Stealthily evade Sauro’s flamethrower through this first section, and climb the rope at the end. Extinguish the flame in front of you to deal damage to Sauro.

Follow the path into the next area, and weave your way past Sauro’s flamethrower until you reach a closed door. Shoot the target and dash through. The door only stays open for a couple of seconds so, if you don’t make it through, you will be hit by Sauro’s attack and have to try again. On the other side of the door, command your falcon to move the block to your left. This protects you from Sauro’s blast until you reach the next door. Head through and put out the second flame.

Climb another rope and, at the top, use the rocks as cover to evade Sauro’s blasts. Reach the end and extinguish the last fire. Sauro will take their final form now, and try to kill you with a fire vortex, flaming floor, and fireballs. Glide around using your falcon and shoot the leg targets one final time. After all four are destroyed, use your falcon’s special ability to inflict a fatal blow.

With Sauro defeated, you can cleanse them to bring the lizard spirit back. You will earn thr Strength of Sauro as a reward. This gives you and extra falcon flap, and powerful targets will now appear across the landscape to power your dash ability.