Tunic is full of big bosses to take down. Well, they’re all bigger than the little fox hero, ya know? Still, the Siege Engine that guards the Eastern Vault is the largest one you’ll face. The Guard Captain is a stocky soldier, the Garden Knight is a laser-shooting automaton, but the Siege Engine is a giant machine that rains bullets like a walking tank. Here’s how to bring it down.
First, it might sound counterintuitive, but the best place you can be is right up against this hulking machine. When it fires its bullet spree or its massive sweeping laser, you will be safe behind the various pieces of cover in the battlefield, but you’ll also be safe right up in its face then rolling to the side as the attack nears. This keeps you up close for when it lowers its face, which you need to constantly attack. The fuel canister under its body takes extra damage, but you don’t always get the chance to hit it. The only real danger in staying close is the Siege Engine’s stomp attack, so be prepared to roll away from that if you see it lift a leg.
The boss only has two other attacks. One of these summons a small squad of flying enemies. You can deal with them in two ways: quickly down them at range with the Fire Rod or simply ignore them and let the Siege Engine’s own attacks destroy them. Its last attack is a cluster of small explosives that move toward you before detonating — these will also make short work of the flying enemies. This attack is designed to get you to move out of cover, so if you’re staying close to the boss you’ll rarely see it.
Be aggressive and ready to deal with some potential flying minions, and you’ll come out of this fight on top. Don’t let the Siege Engine’s size scare you away.