Experienced Lost Ark PvE players who have successfully powered through the first tier of Guardian raids are bound to look for a more intense challenge. This expected difficulty is met by Tytalos, a tier-two Guardian whose moveset can instantly wipe parties of even the most well-equipped adventurers, should they be unaware of its attack cycles.

Challenging Tytalos: Grinding up Guardians

As is standard with all Guardian Raids, players must reach level 50 before attempting the fight against Tytalos. This normally should not pose too much of a problem to would-be raiders, as Guardian Raids are not unlocked as an activity until players reach the continent of Vern, which happens relatively later in the average playthrough. While not too high a bar to reach, progressing to level 50 serves to the player’s benefit, allowing them to maximize the damage output and utility of their skillset.

A cut above the four tier-one Guardians, Tytalos poses a much more difficult challenge than Ur’nil, Lumerus, Icy Legoros, and Vertus. In order to make sure that potential raiders are qualified for this greater challenge, players must first defeat the tier-one Guardians at least once each.

Tytalos is the fourth and strongest of the tier-two Guardian Raids. As such, the intensity of its fight demands the highest total item level of the four. Players must bring 580 total levels worth of gear into its raid to have any effect against it in combat.

Fighting Tytalos: Lion in the sand

Tytalos is a particularly agile enemy, capable of rapidly dashing around its arena and striking quickly with a barrage of medium-damage swipes and pounces. It will usually begin an attack sequence with two or three of these lighter attacks before priming a very wide-range AoE attack.

This AoE attack poses the greatest threat to players, as it is damaging enough to instantly kill any raider caught within its range. Making matters worse, the area of effect is often too large, with respect to the size of the arena, for players to simply dash out of harm’s way. As only three Feathers of Resurrection can be used per Guardian Raid, this attack can’t simply be tanked, meaning that parties run the risk of getting wiped if they cannot find alternative methods of avoiding damage.

The centerpiece of the fight against Tytalos is the sandstorms that it kicks up throughout the raid. Players caught within a sandstorm will begin to suffer a series of increasing slowdown effects, stacking up to three times on the player before temporarily petrifying them for a short period of time. However, while a player is petrified, they do not suffer damage from Tytalos’ AoE attack.

A commonly accepted strategy among Tytalos raiders is to proceed with the fight as normal, then dive into the nearest dust devil at the first sight of its red AoE circle. Lighter classes, such as Deathblades, Gunslingers, and Bards, can make use of their increased mobility to deftly dodge the doomsday attack.