Modern Warfare 2‘s beta launched on the 16th of September. The game took the tried and tested formulae of 2019’s Modern Warfare and enhanced it in many ways, from quality of life changes to graphical improvements. One important part of Call of Duty Modern Warfare was its crossplay ability that allowed players to play with people on other platforms. This feature was carried on to Modern Warfare 2. While many believe this feature to be a great one that allows for more competitiveness and easier matchmaking, others believe it is best turned off to ensure games are as fair as possible; this is especially true for console players that have a hard time playing against those on PC. In this guide, we are going to cover how to disable crossplay in Modern Warfare 2.

How To Disable Crossplay In Modern Warfare 2

While it may sound simple, disabling crossplay can be a little tedious due to the high number of intricate options the game has.

Firstly, crossplay is enabled by default. You begin the game with the option toggled on, and there is nothing you have to do to turn it on for the first time.

To disable crossplay in Modern Warfare 2, head to the game’s multiplayer tab and enter settings. Here, head to account and network and there will be the option to toggle crossplay on and off. You can toggle the option off here if you decide not to engage in crossplay matchmaking in Modern Warfare 2.

While there is no massive change to the game by doing this, disabling crossplay might make it hard to find lobbies since most players choose to keep the option on.

This concludes how to disable crossplay in Modern Warfare 2.

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Beta: How To Get Dead Silence

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 remake will be released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam and on October 28, 2022.