On Tuesday, March 30, 2021, Fortnite released update v16.10, and along with it came a massive quest path for us to complete. The path contains many challenges of varying types, although several of them are as simple as finding specific characters. This guide covers the fifth part of this line of challenges in which we need to Don the Disguise and Strike Three Resonant Crystals.

How to Don the Disguise and Strike Three Resonant Crystals in Fortnite

Before we begin, if you were looking for the guide to a different part of this questline, you can find the complete list at the bottom of this article in the order in which they appear.

An additional important note: At the moment, this quest is glitched for a lot of players. It’s recommended that you find a safe way to don the disguise and strike the crystals, as many players are reporting that if you die after donning the disguise and before striking the crystals, you may not be able to complete the quest.

All steps of this guide are completed at The Spire. There are more than three crystals available to strike, but you only need to strike three of them to complete the quest. The image below shows the locations of the disguise and the three crystals we have determined to be the easiest to find.

You can also go to the locations listed below to complete the quest once you have reached The Spire.

  • The Disguise is on the Southeast section, next to a fence. It’s directly north of the building on the southwester corner. The first crystal is on one of the higher levels. Once you collect the disguise, you can proceed to the building North of it and follow the steps up to the higher levels of houses. You will have to alternate steps leading East and West. This crystal is outside, on the northwestern corner of The Spire’s base. The second crystal can be found if you proceed along the edge of The Spire’s base after you hit the first crystal. It can be found outside, on the wester edge of The Spire’s base. The third crystal is along the same path of the other two. Once you hit the second crystal, proceed along the base of the spire and enter the large archway into a building. You will find the last crystal on the northern wall, inside this building.

Once you have hit the third crystal, you can rest easy! You have finally completed all the quests in this line of challenges!

Full Challenge List

  • Find Tarana Collect Artifacts Find the Thief Play the Last Log Collect a Cult Talisman from a Guardian Obtain the Cult Artifact at the Spire Harvest a Wolf Fang, Boar Tusk, and Three Chicken Feathers Don the disguise and Strike Three Resonant Crystals

Use any of the links in the steps listed above to see how to complete that part of this line of challenges!

Don’t forget to check our complete coverage of this Season in our Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Guide!