The Ribbon Syndicate is a post-Hall of Fame building located in the Resort Area. You need the obtain the National Pokédex to reach the mini-town. However, if you attempt to enter the Ribbon Syndicate building, a woman will block you way, claiming that you don’t have the right qualifications.

To enter the Ribbon Syndicate, you need to have one Pokémon with at least 10 Ribbons. Below are all the Ribbons you can obtain in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl as well as the places you can find them in.

  • Super Contest Ribbons in Hearthome City. You can initially obtain six Ribbons, one for winning each Master Rank contest including the Brilliance Contest, plus a seventh if you have the first six.Champion Ribbon from the Pokémon LeaguePokémon Ribbons from Julia in Sunyshore City. She gives a different Ribbon every day of the week.Effort Ribbon from the lady in Sunyshore MarketFootprint Ribbon from Mr. Footprint along Route 213. He gives it to Pokémon whose friendship level is maxed.Ability Ribbons from winning Battle Room Challenges at the Battle Tower

The Ribbon Syndicate is worth entering for a single reason: its second floor massage parlor. It will allow you to instantly raise the friendship of the first Pokémon in your party by a large amount. You can only avail of its services once a day, however. The lady at the Ribbon Syndicate’s first floor will also sell you three decorative Ribbons if you’re looking to complete your collection.

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