While you are simulating the life of a dog in DogLife, you are likely going to be in situations where you want to escape. For example, if you are in a pet store with employees or animals with bad relationships, you may want to take your chances out on the road. Here is how to escape places like the pet store or dog shelter in DogLife.

 To escape a situation where your dog is not comfortable (or you just want to try something new), you will need to get in a situation that allows you to escape. One of our dogs was randomly given a chance to escape the pet store, so we took the opportunity. For another, they were about to be euthanized, so we either had to escape or die. If you ever want to see if you can escape, pull up the Activities tab. If the option to escape is grayed out, you are in a situation where it is impossible to leave.

If you attempt to escape, you will see an image similar to below, but it might have more people and more walls.

Your goal is to get to the exit without any humans running into your dog. For every one space you move, the humans will move two, so you really need to use the walls to your advantage. The humans always try to directly move to you, even if a wall is in the way, so you can lead them into corners where they can not get out. Work your way around them and into the exit sign to begin a new life as a stray on a random road with rodents and other strays.