In the previous sections of this guide, we covered how to solve Stitcher Jim’s Hideout and get through the Three Paths. In this section of the guide, we will explain how to escape with the Chest of Rage and finish the Tall Tale. We will tell you what traps to expect, as well as some helpful tips to make it through the entire Lair in one piece.

Sea of Thieves | Heart of Fire Tall Tale | How to Escape With the Chest of Rage

Before we begin, you will need to obtain the Chest of Rage to complete this part of the guide. If you still need it or are looking for help with Stitcher Jim’s Hideout, you can find the link to that guide in the list below. Alternatively, if you are looking for help with the Hidden Journal locations, you can also find those linked in the list below.

  • Sea of Thieves | Heart of Fire Tall Tale | How to Find Stitcher Jim’s Hideout and Flameheart’s Lair Sea of Thieves | Heart of Fire Tall Tale | Flameheart’s Lair Three Paths Guide Sea of Thieves | Heart of Fire Tall Tale | Hidden Journal Locations

Now that you have made it through your chosen path in the Lair, you will be brought to the room that has Flameheart’s Ship: The Burning Blade. In this room, you’ll also find that double-crosser Stitcher Jim ready to do his master’s bidden and summon the pirate king.

Stitcher Jim is in for a surprise, though! In an act of betrayal, Flameheart himself tricked Jim into doing something entirely different than he expected. The game doesn’t give clear answers as to what he did exactly, but suffice it to say, Stitcher Jim will likely be a lot more powerful in a future Tall Tale. Still, he is hurt from the Chest of Rage in his possession and flees the scene, cursing Flameheart as he escapes.

Your task now is to grab this Chest of Rage that he had and escape with it. Hop between the rocks to where Stitcher Jim was, grab the Chest, and then make your way through the door. You’re in for more traps, parkour, and fighting!

The Escape

The most challenging part of this escape is the Chest of Rage. Not only go through an obstacle course, but this time, you have to tend to the Chest of Rage, which periodically becomes inflamed and explodes if you don’t keep it cool! Below, we have provided some essential tips for this part of the guide and the sequence of traps and rooms you need to go complete.

Helpful Tips

  • Keep the Chest cool. Water is conveniently placed throughout the remainder of the Lair. If you find yourself in a battle, place the Chest in a pool of water before taking down the baddies. Go through every source of water you see along the way to make sure the Chest is cooled down for the next room. Use the Chest! If you don’t have any firebombs, you can use the Chest to ignite some of the monster skulls that open the doors. If you don’t want to wait for the Chest of Rage to heat up, shoot it a couple of times to get it nice and angry. Take it slow. Er…wait. Go fast? Taking it slow is not much of an option with this Chest of Rage. If you take too long, it could explode and cause damage. You need to be quick on your feet and in your head. Keep the Chest of Rage placed in water if you want to get your bearings straight. No sprinting! You can’t sprint when you have the Chest of Rage in your hands. Be prepared and time yourself to accommodate for this!

The Sequence

  • Light the Skull #1: The first thing you’ll need to do is ignite the skull to open the door. You can use the Chest of Rage for this or throw a firebomb at it. Ceiling Flame Jets: Rush through at the right time when the jets give you an opening. Light the Skull #2: There is another skull behind the waterfall in the next room. Light it with the Chest of Rage or a firebomb to open the door. The Gap: There is a gap in the next room that you must jump over to proceed. If you miss the jump, you’ll have to go back to the previous area. Swinging Skeletons: Jump between platforms in between cycles of the swinging skeletons. Before you dash ahead, try to get as much of a view of the room as you can. There are platforms that you need to jump to that have fire jets shooting at them. Get a feel for the timing between the swinging skeletons and the fire jets, and be ready to jump at a moment’s notice. Skeleton Battle: The next room will have a skeleton battle. Place the Chest of Rage in the pool of water while you take out all the baddies. There are plenty of barrels for supplies. A good tactic to clear them out quickly is to run to the corner behind the capstan to herd them all together. Then, do a power strike with your sword to do massive damage to several of them. When you clear all the waves, turn the capstan to raise the door. Fire Walk: Walk along the narrow beams across the corridor. Time your progress carefully, as there are jets of fire placed throughout the entire corridor to block your path. Escape!: In the next room, you’ll have to swim with the Chest of Rage through two tunnels. You can’t swim fast with the Chest in your hands, so be sure to get a full breath before diving through each tunnel. While swimming through the tunnels, Flameheart will inform you that he no longer needs the Chest. When you make it through, Pendragon will be waiting for you to hand the Chest of Rage to him.

After an in-game cutscene, you’ll be rewarded for completing the Tall Tale! You can choose to listen and see your success in freeing the Morningstar’s crew or just head to your ship. Either way, you still receive that sweet, glorious gold.

What’s Next

Once you finish the cutscene, you’ve completed the Tall Tale! You will receive the Heart of Fire Commendation for your efforts. From here, you have several options. You can do it again for the money, the Commendations, or to pick up any Hidden Journals you might have missed.

Need help catching fish? Check out our guide on How to Catch and Sell Fish!